Yacco Lube Synthetic technology - LUBE GDI SAE 10W30
- 3082
- Families :Technologie de synthèse
- Synthetic technology
- Viscosity :10W30

API SP-RC (resource conserving) exceeds SN PLUS, SN-RC and SN
GM-dexos1TM Gen 2
Exceeds the performance of Chrysler MS 6395, Ford WSS-M2C946-A and GM 6094M.
Yacco Lube GDI SAE 10W30 is a Synthetic technology oil for gasoline engines.
Yacco Lube GDI SAE 10W30 is a Synthetic technology lubricant recommended for gasoline engines when the manufacturer requires the use of SAE 10W-30 API SP-RC (Resource Conserving), ILSAC GF-6 or dexos1TM Gen2 engine oil.
Yacco Lube GDI SAE 10W30 is particularly recommended for the most recent gasoline engines, with or without direct injection systems, wich can be subject to low speed pre-ignition (LSPI). These performances for L.S.P.I. prevention have been validated by API SP-RC and dexos1TM Gen2.
Properties and advantages
Magnesium-based detergent formula designed to prevent the risk of LSPI, wich is often caused by calcium-based detergents.
Specific friction modifiers improve fuel efficiency and reduce CO2 emissions.
Designed to meet the requirements of the latest generation gasoline engines. Lube GDI SAE 10W30 is backward compatible with older gasolines engines.
Next generation additives cool down, lubricate and clean the engine in order to reduce wear and extend the engine’s lifespan.
Export market only : 1L, 5L and 208L.